If you're thinking about buying a home, it's time to get real. The chances of you getting everything you're looking for is low, but not zero. If you're shopping for a home that's already been built it can be hard to find something 100% perfect, which is why you should be realistic in your home purchase. Here are a few things you need to know before you start looking for a home.
Don't like the paint color? That can be changed at a small cost. Almost every buyer that I work with changes the paint color once they move in just because it's personal preference. Anything small that can be changed at a small cost shouldn't discourage you! Especially if you're buying a home that's already built.
Inspections are almost never going to come back perfect, which means that I recommend only prioritizing major issues such as roofing or foundation issues. If it can be fixed at a small cost, and it isn't a major issue for you, I would recommend
Major issues MUST be fixed. This is something that should be prioritized. Some things, such as roofing issues or wiring can make the home uninsurable. Your REALTOR will be able to give you some options as to how it can be fixed (contract wise), but when it comes to insurance there are some minimum requirements that the home has to meet. Typically, sellers are understanding of this.
Take your REALTORs advice. Chances are, they've been through a quite few transactions where there are issues with the home. They'll know best, and guide you in the right direction if you're working with a good agent!
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